“By completing this form, you are supplying our staff with a request for a meeting or event space. Liturgical and Faith Formation event dates are subject to change with short notice. The complete and up-to-date Transfiguration Church Calendar is posted online with Dates, Times, and Room locations listed. Requested dates should be submitted at least 14 days before your event. Room and Event Requests, layout, AV, and Hospitality requests will be made here. Please call to provide more information as needed! We are happy to help.
Events submitted without all required information or inside of 14 days of your requested date could be denied.
Requests are not Reservations.
A Staff Member will confirm your Room is Reserved. Submitting a form does not guarantee a reservation.
Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve. If you have questions about the request process, reach out to the Parish Office – 770-977-1442 ext 132.”
Please choose what kind of event you are requesting