Transfiguration Catholic Church Respect for Life Ministry and walking with Moms in Need

Promoting Life from Conception to Natural Death


•to lead and guide expectant moms and dads to available support through prayer, advocacy, and community partnerships.


•to welcome moms and new babies as blessings from God into His family within the Archdiocese of Atlanta and North Georgia

Meeting Times:
Walking with Moms in Need
Every 3rd Thursday of the month
7 p.m., Room 110
Contact: Cathy Zingler 

Need HELP?

24 Hour HELPLINE (call or chat): 1-800-712-4357

How can YOU help?

Respect for Life Ministries is a traditional “Pro-Life” group and beyond.

Mission Statement: to support Catholic teaching & provide information on life issues from womb to tomb. These issues include, but are not limited to:

  • Abortion
  • End of Life Issues
  • Euthanasia
  • Youth Suicide
  • Capital Punishment (Death Penalty)

We attempt to accomplish this mission through social outreach, educational programs, and other parish activities. Learn more HERE.

Meeting Times:
Respect for Life Ministry
Every 1st Monday of the month
7:30 p.m., Room 110
Contact: Karla Colman 

Join us for:

  • Prayer Vigils
  • Pro Life-Rallies
  • Letter Writing Campaigns

Learn more about:

  • Catholic Social Teaching
  • Faithful Citizenship
