Women In Faith
Leaders: Maureen Halstead & Diana Ruslin
Co-Leaders : Debby Freel & Adela Kennelly
Administrative Assistant: MIchele Winkler
Do you wish to meet other women in the parish and enrich your faith? Come check out Women In Faith!
We are a women’s ministry of all ages and backgrounds who gather weekly for fellowship and small group studies.
Open to All Women of the Parish
Fridays: 9:45 a.m. in the Social Hall (After 9:00 a.m. Friday Mass) beginning August 16 (see study options below.)
Mondays: 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Ed Room beginning August 19
Thursdays: 7:30 p.m. via Zoom, beginning August 22
Women in Faith Fall 2024
Dearest Sisters in Christ,
We are so excited to be together once again as we start off this new season with a Meet and Greet on August 16 at 9:45 am in the Social Hall. On Friday, August 23 at 9:45, we will offer a Morning of Reflection with Carol Busche. Friday Small group studies beginning on August 30. Many of our ladies attend the 9:00 am Mass and/or Rosary prior to WIF; please feel free to join us if you are able.
Below are the study options for this Fall. Click on each option for a description of the study, then click the link under the description for more information. Please keep in mind that large groups signed up for one study may be split into two groups and groups fewer than five may need to choose a different study.
1. Wild Goose Video Series on Formed by Fr. Dave Pivonka
Wild Goose” was a term that the ancient Celts had for the Holy Spirit. It is a 14-part series featuring Fr. Dave Pivonka and various interviews. Shot in various locations from Niagara Falls to the California desert, The Wild Goose invites viewers to an encounter, or a renewed encounter, with the Holy Spirit.
2. Faith, Hope, and Love, The Seven Catholic Epistles by Steven Binz
One of the most striking characteristics of Jesus’ ministry is the way he continually asks questions of those he encounters. The latest in the award-winning Threshold Bible Series examines the questions Jesus asks his listeners. From the simple, “How many loaves do you have?” to the challenging, “Could you not stay awake with me one hour?” and to one that inspires inward searching, “Who do you say that I am?”, each chapter invites us to new ways of encountering Jesus in the gospels, to better understand who he was for his original disciples and who he is for us today.
Click HERE for link
3. Emmaus Journey: Reflecting on Sunday’s Readings
(This option requires no book purchase, pre-reading or homework.) Reflecting on Sunday’s Readings introduces participants to small-group discussion materials based on the Scripture passages used in the upcoming Sunday’s Mass. Each passage is printed along with a few questions designed to engage the heart and stimulate discussion.
Click HERE for link
4. Rooted and Radiant – A Study of Colossians – Bible Study
Rooted and Radiant was written for any woman who wants to live her life grounded in Jesus Christ. In this Bible study, we learn the book of Colossians verse by verse as we seek to understand the challenges that faced the Colossians, recognizing that they are remarkably similar to our own challenges today.
Click HERE for link
5. Mary, Teach Me to Be Your Daughter by Megan Madden – Book Study
Journey into the heart of Mary and reflect on the virtues that all Catholic women are called to imitate. Mary, Teach Me to Be Your Daughter: Finding Yourself in the Blessed Mother leads Catholic women on an intimate journey into the life of Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God, and reflects on the ten principal virtues that she possessed.
Click HERE for Amazon link.
6. The Screwtape Letters by C S Lewis – Book Study
The Screwtape Letters is a Christian apologetic novel by C. S. Lewis and dedicated to J. R. R. Tolkien. It is written in a satirical, epistolary style and, while it is fictional in format, the plot and characters are used to address Christian theological issues, primarily those to do with temptation and resistance to it.
Click HERE for Amazon link
7. Essays On Woman (The Collected Works of Edith Stein) – Book Study
With reason Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) has been called the most significant German-Jewish woman of the twentieth century. Her writings on woman are the fruit of both reflection and debate with other leaders of the Catholic feminist movement in German-speaking countries between the World Wars.
Click HERE for Amazon link.
8. Head & Heart: Becoming Spiritual Leaders for your family by Katie Warner – Book Study
Husbands and wives. Fathers and Mothers. Breadwinners and Homemakers. As men and women, we have many ways of approaching our roles in family life. But what if we could find even deeper meaning in our God-given vocations by viewing ourselves as the spiritual head or the spiritual heart of our family?
Click HERE for Amazon link
9. The Rosary with Bishop Robert Barron – Book Study
Join one of the world’s leading Catholic evangelists, Bishop Robert Barron, in exploring the meditative depth, rhythmic beauty, and spiritual power of this ancient prayer. Informative, intuitive, and beautifully designed.
Click HERE for Link
10. Walking with God – A Journey Through the Bible by Cavins and Gray – Bible Study
Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins take you on a journey through the narrative books of the Bible. These books tell a story as well as, present a panoramic view of God’s glorious plan of salvation. Their expert commentary dives deep into the mysteries of scripture, unlocking its riches and showing how these inspired words are meant for you today.
Click HERE for link.
Nursery is available for Friday Onsite Meetings – Click here to Sign Up for a Space.
ANY OTHER SMALL FAITH SHARING GROUP that would like to join the Women in Faith in sharing our journeys with each other are welcome to contact WIF Leadership to add your group or study to this list.
We welcome all women! WIF is supported by the Adult Faith Formation Office and can help with resources, books, studies or any other assistance your group may need.
Any Questions or for any further information, please email WIF.Friday@gmail.com .
Love and Be Loved, WIF