We are thrilled to share with you an amazing article about our incredible Faith & Light members who took part in this past weekend’s VBS* at St. Peter Chanel! Our group had an absolute blast serving together and making a difference in the lives of the children.
Please take a moment to read the article and be inspired by the amazing work! We are truly blessed to be a part of this wonderful community!
During the weekend of August 24/25, Habitat for Humanity sponsors their “Raise the Roof” Event.
The outdoor plaza will be filled with 2 x 4 studs that will be used for the construction of the exterior and interior walls of the Catholic Coalition’s Habitat house. All parishioners are invited to use a Sharpie to sign your name on the wood studs: write a positive message, a line from Scripture, or pen a few words of encouragement to the volunteers who will use these studs to build the house. Besides signing the studs with colorful messages, you can make a donation towards the Coalition build, get a free Habitat wristband, learn about Habitat’s mission and sign up to volunteer for any of the 9 Saturdays that it takes to construct the home. Construction starts on Saturday, September 7th; for additional info, contact Mike Meehan at (404) 374-9074, or Cadmast54@gmail.com
Levanta un techo para el hábitat
Durante el fin de semana del 24 y 25 de Agosto, Hábitat para la Humanidad patrocina su evento “Raise the Roof”. La plaza al aire libre se llenará con tablones de madera de 2 x 4 que se utilizarán para la construcción de las paredes exteriores e interiores de la casa Hábitat de la Coalición Católica. Todos los feligreses están invitados a usar un sharpie para firmar su nombre en los tablones de madera. Además de firmar los tablones con mensajes coloridos, puedes hacer una donación para la construcción de la Coalición, obtener una pulsera de Hábitat gratis, aprender sobre la misión de Hábitat e inscribirte como voluntario para cualquiera de los 9 sábados que se necesitan para construir la casa. La construcción comienza el Sábado 7 de Septiembre.
Leaving a Legacy to the Parish: Giving assets to the parish endowment fund through your will enables you to help your parish long into the future, without affecting your cash flow now. For more information, contact Juliet Greco at the Catholic Foundation at jgreco@cfnga.org or 404.497.9440.
Dejar un legado a la parroquia: Dejar activos, tales como propiedades, seguros de vida, colecciones de arte al fondo patrimonial de la parroquia a través de su testamento le permite ayudar a su parroquia en el futuro, sin afectar su flujo económico actual. Para más información contacte a Juliet Greco en la Fundación Católica – jgreco@cfnga.org o 404.497.9440.
Your generosity can make a difference in the lives of those in need. May God bless your heart as you consider donating the following items to our pantry:
Canned fruit (pineapple/pears/peaches/fruit cocktail/applesauce)
Pancake mix
BBQ sauce
Canned mixed vegetables
Canned carrots (we have plenty of green beans/peas/corn)
sugar (1 & 4 pound bags)
Bar soap
Cooking oil (48 oz or smaller, please)
Your contributions help us serve our community with compassion and care. Thank you for your kindness and support!
Su generosidad puede marcar la diferencia en la vida de los necesitados. Que Dios bendiga su corazón al considerar donar los siguientes artículos a nuestra despensa:
Fruta enlatada (piña / peras / duraznos / cóctel de frutas / puré de manzana)
Join us in caring for indoor plants and preparing the church for special holy days. Contact Emily Brunone to get involved!
Join the Liturgical Environment Ministry!
The Liturgical Environment Ministry is looking to compile a list of people who would be willing to help us care for indoor plants, and help with preparing church for special holy days, as Easter, Christmas and Pentecost. This would be on an as needed basis, not a full-time commitment. Please contact Emily Brunone at ebrunone@comcast.net.
We are pleased to present the Transfiguration Church – Financial Activities Summary for the FY 2024 Mid-Year Review, covering the period up to December 31, 2023. This report provides a comprehensive overview of our financial activities during this period.
We invite all parishioners to take a moment to review the report, as it offers valuable insights into how our financial resources are managed and allocated to support the mission and ministries of our church.
Thank you for your continued support and participation in the life of our parish.
Iglesia de la Transfiguración – Resumen de actividades financieras Revisión de mitad de año del año fiscal 2024 en 12/31/2023
Queridos feligreses,
Nos complace presentar el resumen de las actividades Financieras para la Revisión de Medio Año del Año Fiscal 2024, que cubre el período hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023. Este informe proporciona una visión general completa de nuestras actividades financieras durante este período.
Invitamos a todos los feligreses a tomarse un momento para revisar el informe, ya que ofrece información valiosa sobre cómo se administran y asignan nuestros recursos financieros para apoyar la misión y los ministerios de nuestra iglesia.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo y participación en la vida de nuestra parroquia.
Transfiguration would like to give back to the priests who give back so much to our parish home. Starting with a home cooked meal (or delicious take out dinner ) to nourish those who nourish us.
Father Eric and Father Rafael extend their thanks to all of you who have provided meals for them over the past several months. Let us continue to show our gratitude to them by providing a meal one day a week on Tuesdays.
Please consider dropping off a meal for Father Eric, Father Rafael, and Father Vic ( Priest in Residence). They are so appreciative when they receive a home cooked meal once a week. Bring your meal to the Parish Office TUESDAY between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The reception volunteers or office staff will store the meals in the Staff Refrigerator for the priests.
There are a few requests from them:
*Please use Disposable Containers marked “For Priests” (So we don’t burden them with returning our dishes – they will recycle as needed) *Prepare a meal with NO Raw Onion or Coconut. Keep spicy to the mild side. *Include heating instructions when needed. (or recipes if you’d like to share) *Say a special prayer for them the nights you serve your meal.
Sign up as an individual, small group or family to show your support.
For more information or for questions, contact Coordinators: Michelle Winkler at 678-458-2115 or Margret Shugart at 678-350-3837.
Para obtener más información en español, llame a la Sra. Gloria Nolasco al 770-977-1442 ext. 152
Alimenta a nuestros pastores
Sirviendo a nuestros Sacerdotes
En Transfiguración nos gustaría consentir a nuestros sacerdotes que tanto se preocupan por nuestra parroquia. Es por eso que nos gustaría su ayuda para proporcionarles una comida para llevar a casa después de Misa los martes. Si desea inscribirse para organizar una comida para el padre Eric y el padre Rafael, puede inscribirse con Gloria. Gracias por mostrar su amor y aprecio de esta manera a nuestros sacerdotes.
Para obtener más información en español, llame a la Sra. Gloria Nolasco al 770-977-1442 ext. 152
We’d like to extend an invitation to everyone to join us for our 💟💟💟🐟 2024 Lenten DIY Retreat using Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book: 33 Days to Greater Glory: Total Consecration to the Father through Jesus, based on the Gospel of John
In fact, over 5,000 current volunteers have heard the call to become Vincentians in the state of Georgia! The first St. Vincent dePaul Conference in our state was established 120 years ago in 1903, by a small group of concerned parishioners at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Atlanta. Today the number of Conferences has grown to over 70 in Georgia, and our Transfiguration Conference is among the most active (a “Conference” is a group that serves a particular neighborhood area or zip code, usually the territory covered by the Conference’s affiliated parish). Check out www.svdpgeorgia.org and learn about the oldest, largest and most trusted state-wide social services safety net organization in Georgia!
And then, when you’re inspired to become a part of it all, come to our next meeting on, Monday, April 22at 7 p.m. in the Adult Lounge.
If you’re called to act sooner, consider donating to the Third Saturday Dinner for the homeless community, or round up some perishable food for our pantry. Click on the buttons below.
Parishioners and residents of the Transfiguration area who need assistance please call our helpline, 770-977-1442 ext. 1252 ( ext. 1253 en Español).
Please support our SVDP thrift store in Kennesaw!
Kennesaw Address: 2720 Summers Street (at intersection of Main Street and Summers Street)
Operation: Monday – Friday 10:00am- 4:00pm & Saturday, 10:00 am– 2:00 pm. The store is open for deliveries from 10am to 2pm.
All store profits support 5 parish conference expenses for helping our neighbors.
1. Please bring in your quality donations (clothing, decorations, linens, kitchen wares, books, toys, furniture etc.) between 10:00 – 2:00 in the alley behind the store. You will receive a discount coupon to apply towards your next shopping visit.
2. Consider volunteering at your convenience (we are flexible on days and hours). More Transfiguration volunteer hours = more of the profit dollars going into our support funds.
3. Bring your friends to shop now for FALL & CHRISTMAS: our beautiful store is now overflowing with all holiday decorations and clothing
Monday is Senior discount day (ages 55 +) and Wednesday is Veterans discount for 10 % off of total purchases.
Call 770-919-1458 for additional information.
Thank you for helping us to support our local community needs.
““In this life we cannot do great things, but we can do small things with great love”……Mother Teresa
Parish Name Tags will be for you to Welcome, Celebrate, Serve and Grow with your community at Mass, Faith Formation Events and Parish Wide Gatherings. We encourage all of our members to submit a form to get a Name Tag Pre-Made. Nametags will be available for pick up before Mass on Nametag Sundays.
Name Tag Sundays will be on the First Sunday of each month, the same weekend as Monthly Recognitions! So you can say Happy Birthday, Anniversary or Welcome! to those who we’ve celebrated at Mass during a hospitality event or faith formation gathering.
We encourage you to wear your name tag whenever you are on campus.
Get your Name Tag Pre Made
Submit one form for each name tag. One for Each member of your family. (We will also have peel & stick name tags for our kids to decorate and wear.)
Name Tag Order Form
Pre-Order Form for Name Tags, Please submit one form for each name tag.