Read the Archbishop’s statement about the Independent review of child abuse files for Archdiocese of Atlanta.

Atlanta, Georgia–The Most Rev. Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., archbishop
of Atlanta, released the following statement regarding the release of the Georgia
Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council (PAC) report on the review of files related to
clergy abuse in the Catholic Church in Georgia. (

“Let me begin by saying clearly that any abuse perpetrated by priests, religious brothers or sisters, volunteers or employees of the Catholic Church is unacceptable. It cannot and will not be tolerated. This archdiocese will not protect abusers and we will not allow them to have access to our communities.
The report released today by the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council (PAC) represents a voluntary effort to be transparent about what happened in the past in hopes of moving forward with the healing process. Drastic changes have happened within the church in the last 20 years. We have worked hard to better understand and prevent abuse from ever happening again. We will not waver from the zero tolerance policy currently in place.

I have loved my life as a priest, pastor, educator and bishop. When I hear the stories of the deep hurt caused by other priests, volunteers or employees, I feel a deep grief and shame. If you have been hurt by the church because of abuse, whether you are a direct survivor or someone who feels betrayed by the actions
from the past, I am truly sorry for your pain. Please know that I am committed to a safe and transparent Church.”

– Archbishop Gregory Hartmayar, OFM

Atlanta, Georgia–El Reverendísimo Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv.,
Arzobispo de Atlanta, emitió la siguiente declaración en referencia a la
publicación del informe del Consejo de Abogados Fiscales de Georgia (PAC por
sus siglas en inglés) sobre la revisión de archivos relacionados con el abuso del
clero en el Iglesia Católica en Georgia. (

“Permítanme comenzar diciendo claramente que cualquier abuso perpetrado por
sacerdotes, hermanos o hermanas religiosos, voluntarios o empleados de la
Iglesia Católica es inaceptable; y no puede ser ni será tolerado. Esta
arquidiócesis no protegerá a los abusadores ni les permitirá tener acceso a
nuestras comunidades.

El informe publicado hoy por el Consejo de Abogados Fiscales (PAC) representa
un esfuerzo voluntario por ser transparentes sobre lo que sucedió en el pasado
con la esperanza de avanzar con el proceso de sanación. En los últimos 20 años
han ocurrido cambios drásticos dentro de la Iglesia. Hemos trabajado
arduamente para entender mejor el abuso y evitar que vuelva a ocurrir. No nos
desviaremos de la política de tolerancia cero actualmente vigente.
He amado mi vida como sacerdote, párroco, educador y obispo. Cuando escucho
las historias del profundo dolor causado por otros sacerdotes, voluntarios o
empleados, siento un profundo dolor y vergüenza. Si usted ha sido lastimado por
la Iglesia debido al abuso, ya sea por ser un sobreviviente directo o alguien que
se siente traicionado por las acciones del pasado, lamento verdaderamente su
dolor. Quiero que por favor sepan que estoy comprometido con una Iglesia segura
y transparente”.

Read How Transfiguration Keeps its population safe with Safe Environment Training.

April is Child Abuse Protection Month.

While April is the month chosen for awareness, abuse to children could occur any time of year.  Here at Transfiguration, we take steps to ensure the safety of our children and vulnerable adults by requiring our volunteers and staff members to complete the child safety course known as Virtus. Our Safe Environment program  was established in order to protect children and the members of the community who care for them.   You can learn more about how the Archdiocese of Atlanta is growing it’s Safe Environment efforts at Including, PCA, Virtus and the Child Advocacy Center of Georgia. 
Transfiguration has made security a priority by establishing a verification process that ensures everyone with a White Transfiguration Badge has passed and is current on all required safety measures. We encourage everyone with this badge to wear them on property during Mass, Ministry and Fellowship times. It is a visible sign of our Parish’s commitment to safety.  And, a sign to our children and vulnerable adults that we care about them enough to take this extraordinary step.
Thank you for wearing your name badge when you volunteer.

Each April, parishes around the country participate in a Novena to End Child Abuse. While work is being done to prevent abuse at all times, we focus on the importance of learning how to protect the vulnerable. We can pray that the vulnerable are protected from abuse, and that survivors of abuse may be accompanied on their paths to healing.

Virtus Training

Virtus: Protecting God’s Children is part of the Safe Environment policy and required for all adults working with children or vulnerable adults and adults serving in leadership positions in the parish. Training is offered in our parish and in parishes around the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Go to to find a convenient location, time and to register.

Virtus pre-registration is required. Virtus training certificate is valid for 5 years. Renewal training is offered online.

Questions about your renewal date, contact Linda, or Joyce,, if you have questions about the training.

Our next training will be Thursday March 7, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.. Please Register in advance 

Thank you for your commitment to keeping our kids safe.

Virtus Protecting God's Children

Archbishop’s Annual Appeal 2024

In His Presence

Your participation is important to the success of the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. It allows us to continue building strong parish communities of intentional disciples and funding archdiocesan initiatives that reach the faithful throughout north and central Georgia.

’24 Weekly Schedule:

Adult Faith Formation Offerings

For more information on Classes, Studies, Presentations or Guest Speakers
Please contact the Adult Faith Formation Office at 770.977.1442 ex.129
or email Cindy McFadden, Director of Adult Faith Formation at

Learn More about FORMED: Sign Up Today for Catholic Media On Demand.
Sign Up for the Monthly Newsletter Here. Join the conversation on the Adult Faith Formation Social Media Page on Instagram @tccadultfaith
AND join the EVANGELUS by clicking here to get Parish wide and Adult Faith Formation Newsletters and announcements.

2024 Weekly Schedule

See class descriptions below, or by following the link provided.


  • Family Faith / and Adult Sessions



  • Tuesday Morning Spirituality / 10:00 a.m. / via Zoom
  • Senior Spirituality / 3:30 p.m. / Room 102 and Zoom/ [Senior Spirituality)
  • Family Faith/Adult Session/ 5:30 p.m. / begins August 27


  • Centering Prayer / Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. / Room 104 and Zoom/ [Centering Prayer]
  • Family Faith/Adult Session/ 6:15 p.m./Social Hall



  • Men’s Bible Study / 7:00 a.m. /Family Life Center/ Fulfilled: Uncovering the Biblical Foundations of Catholicism [Men’s Bible Study]
  • Women in Faith / 9:45 a.m. / Social Hall [Women in Faith] open to all women of the parish.

Family Faith (for Adults)

See our new Offerings for Adults.

Want to dive deeper into your faith? Join us for adult small groups offered during all Family Faith Sessions:

· Sundays, 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. or 6:15 p.m. 

· Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. · Wednesdays 6:15 p.m.

We meet every other week and would love for you to join our groups.

Email Cindy, cmcfadden@, to connect.

Understanding Our Faith

Offered in the Adult Ed/OCI ROOM Please sign up in advance for these classes. Here.

All are welcome!

Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

The Transfiguration ‘Spirited’ Book Club

Join us Monday, 7:00 pm, September 16 for a discussion on “The Covenant of Water.”. All are welcome.

Women in Faith Fall Series

Open to all women of Transfiguration
Fridays in June, 9:45 a.m., Adult Ed/OCI Room

Women of Transfiguration gather for weekly fellowship and faith sharing. WIF gathers as a large group in the Social Hall nd then breaks into small groups based on interests. Open to all women of Transfiguration and beyond!

The WIF Summer 2024 season, see the Women in Faith page! All women are welcome to join.
Women in Faith Nursery Sign Up

If you want to join our Adult Faith Formation gatherings, childcare is available. Contact Cathi for more information On the Nursery Page. Signups for specific gatherings are posted.

We would love to build up a team of hosts for all gatherings. Join the Hospitality Team, or ask questions about how to get involved by contacting Cindy at .

Learn More about FORMED: Sign Up Today for Catholic Media On Demand.
Sign Up for the Monthly Newsletter Here
Join the conversation on the Adult Faith Formation Social Media Page on Instagram @tccadultfaith
AND join the EVANGELUS by clicking here to get Parish wide and Adult Faith Formation Newsletters and announcements.

An Evening with the Eucharist
What do Catholic believe about the Eucharist and Real Presence? Join Monsignor Patrick Bishop for a presentation on how the Bread of Life sustains,
transforms and strengthens us for the journey! Hear the Podcast of the event on our Soundcloud or click here.

Tithing, What does it mean?

Although everyone’s contribution will be different, the Church uses the tithe (10%) as a benchmark by which all of us can gauge our gifts.

It is not optional to support one’s parish financially; this has long been one of the six precepts of the Church. What is voluntary is how much one gives, even though the tithe is a scriptural benchmark.

As a parish, we have suggested the tithe as follows:

  • 5% to the weekly offertory
  • 1% to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
  • 4% to Faith Based Charities

For some, this goal may be hard to reach, others may decide to give more. Everyone’s weekly gift should adequately reflect God’s generosity.

Household Income:5% to Parish Offertory1% to Archbishop’s Annual Appeal4% Faith Based Charities
$15,000 – $20,000750 – 1,000150 – 200600 – 800
$21,000 – $30,0001,050 – 1,500210 – 300840 – 1,200
$31,000 – $40,0001,550 – 2,000310 – 4001,240 – 1,600
$41,000 – $50,0002,050 – 2,500410 – 5001,640 – 2,000
$51,000 – $60,0002,550 – 3,000510 – 6002,040 – 2,400
$61,000 – $75,0003,050 – 3,750610 – 7502,440 – 3,000
$76,000 – $100,0003,800 – 5,000760 – 1,0003,040 – 4,000
$101,000 – $150,0005,050 – 7,5001,010 – 1,5004,040 – 6,000
$151,000 – $200,0007,550 – 10,0001,510 – 2,0006,040 – 8,000
$201,000 – $300,00010,050 – 15,0002,010 – 3,0008,040 – 12,000
$301,000 – $400,00015,050 – 20,0003,010 – 4,00012,040 – 16,000
$401,000 – $500,00020,050 – 25,0004,010 – 5,00016,040 – 20,000
As with all things, add prayer and discernment to your tithe.

Use this online resources for a quick calculation:

At Lent: We are asked to give alms. Supporting those who are in most need at this time of year is a part of our own Lenten Journey. Your tithe allows for the parish to give to communities in their times of need. The desert of Lent asks us to remember our duty and challenges us to give up our comforts in order to show our solidarity with those who are poor or poor in spirit.

Community Outreach and Those in Need: As in all things, we take our responsibility to our community seriously. When those who look to the church to help ends meet, our duty is to reach our hands out in love. In most cases, our list of available resources (St. Vincent de Paul, Family Promise, Holy Family Counseling, Support and Grief Groups, etc.) will be the bridge we need. In the cases that assistance can be given financially, our parish ca do so because of your commitment to tithing. As it is stated above, a percentage of your gift overall is there to support these community resources and outreach. Prayerfully consider this work when discerning your tithe for Transfiguration.

Hurricane Relief, Refugee resettlement, Helping in or Community – all items that Transfiguration has donated to because of the generosity of our tithing parish without having to fundraise or ask the parishioners to give more than their weekly, monthly or annual contributions and tithe.

New HVAC at Transfiguration, Replacing and Repairing the Windows, Updating the Building.
It will be a long process to upkeep the building. We thank you for your patience and willingness to contribute to the cause.  This is a good time to remind ourselves that our Tithing allows for the parish to make necessary repairs without fundraising.  A year round income for the parish comes from the tithe given as an offering from each family or individual. The funds in the church account will be free to be applied to a planned project or an urgent need rather than having special collections or capital campaigns.  

As you step into this practice, prayerfully consider your contributions and how you tithe as a family. One duty we share as Christians is to care for our common home. Your gifts allow for us to plan for the expense of upkeeping our church home. Thank you for your generosity and continued support. 

Transfiguration Catholic Church Welcomes You Back! Gathering for Mass Guidelines

Coming to Mass

WELCOME to Transfiguration Catholic Church

Though we have gone back to welcoming everyone in, Transfiguration is always conscious of keeping the family safe. If you have questions or concerns about our protocols or safety standards, please contact the Administrative Offices of the Parish to speak to someone.
All are welcome.


  • Daily Mass:
  • Monday 9:00 a.m., Tuesday 9:00 a.m., Tuesday 6:30 p.m. (Español), Wednesday 9:00 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Thursday 9:00 a.m., Thursday 6:30 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.
  • First Saturday, (after First Friday), 7:30 a.m.
  • Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m., Sunday: 7:45 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m. (Spanish), 5:00 p.m.
  • Signing for the deaf and hard of hearing at the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
  • Nursery at Mass only for the 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. (Nursery is NOT available for All Masses at this time.)


Do I need to wear a mask?
No – And Yes. (If you are coughing or have a cold, please wear a mask to protect yourself and others)
Read More Here :
en Español :

You are able to come and go from church, church offices and ministry.

Am I required to attend Mass?
Read Archbishop Hartmayer’s Letter on the updates to Dispensation beginning May 23, 2021 (Pentecost Sunday) for the Archdiocese of Atlanta HERE. Masses can be viewed online at
While the general dispensation is removed, there are specific persons for whom the dispensation will, for the time being, still be applicable, as well as persons for whom there is no obligation in the first place according to the norms of canon law. One does not have an obligation to attend Mass on Sunday or a holy day of obligation in the following circumstances:

  1. You are ill or you have a health condition that would be significantly compromised if you were to contract a communicable illness (i.e., you have underlying conditions or are in a high-risk category). Please use the dispensation and do not attend Mass.
  2. You are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
  3. You have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or you have reason to think you might be asymptomatic of a contagious illness.
  4. You care for the sick, homebound, or infirm.
  5. You are pregnant.
  6. You are 65 years of age or older (per the CDC’s recommendation of high-risk individuals).
  7. You cannot attend Mass through no fault of your own (e.g., no Mass is offered, you are infirm, your ride did not show up, the church was at capacity).
  8. You have significant fear or anxiety of becoming ill by being at Mass.

For questions about how these might apply to you, please contact your pastor. These categories will be reviewed in due course and revised as needed.

Persons legitimately dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass are still to observe the Lord’s Day by participating in a broadcast of the Sunday Mass or by spending time in prayer or meditating on Scripture, either individually or as a family.

The church maintains a high level of cleanliness. The Maintenance staff works to clean and sanitize the church. This includes all surface areas and restrooms. When required, classrooms and meeting rooms are sanitized. The Social Hall is cleaned and sanitized when needed. Remember, if you choose to attend Mass, there is always risk of exposure to illness.

  • Water fountains have been updated to include touchless water bottle fillers for your safety and convince.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are in the foyer. Please observe proper hand hygiene and sanitizing. (at all times)


Current Seating in the Sanctuary – You are welcome to wear a mask anywhere in the sanctuary. You will seat yourself, enter and exit the building and approach the altar for communion as usual.

Hospitality Ministers will continue to welcome and assist in seating as needed.

As always, there is no food or drink allowed in the sanctuary

Offertory Baskets are being passed at all Masses. Though, you are encouraged to make your contributions online. (Here)

Bulletins will be distributed to everyone at the conclusion of Mass.

Digital Versions Bulletins available – see BULLETIN (Song sheets are not available online)

If you are returning to church for the first time, welcome back. We are here to answer any questions or concerns: 770-477-1442

Please note: if we receive notice of a COVID exposure/positive test result, details will be posted on,

Stay tuned for more details. This message is available on the CURRENT EVENTS button on the webpage and MyParish App.

To become a Hospitality Minster for Sunday Mass or funerals and weddings, please contact Dan Marcacci,

OUR PROTOCOLS: (effective November 28, 2022)

Before you leave home:

• Make sure everyone attending Mass is feeling well! As we always have, if you do not feel well, please protect the other members of our church family by remaining at home and participating in Mass online.
• Bring personal hand sanitizer for use immediately before and after Communion.


Do I have to wear a mask?

And Yes. (If you are coughing or have a cold, please wear a mask to protect yourself and others)
Read More Here :
en Español :

Are you having drive up confessions?
No- we are offering Reconciliation in our confessionals. Masks are encouraged when needed. Priests will wear a mask as needed.
• Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 3:30 p.m. and, on Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.
• Priests leave after all confessions are heard to prepare for Mass. We ask that you ARRIVE at the start time.
• Reconciliation is also available by appointment. Call the church office, 770-977-1442

Are you offering…

Anointing of the Sick?
• Contact Liana,, to request an anointing.

• YES. To schedule a Baptism, contact Linda,

• Contact Dan,

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament?
• Adoration Chapel Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 9:00 p.m. and Sunday 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
(unless the Chapel is needed for Liturgical events, which will be posted) Come spend some time with Jesus.

Ongoing updates:

Groups and ministry meetings are being held on campus.
Seating is open in the sanctuary, face to face reconciliation is offered in the confessional, Faith Formation is back with all face to face learning.
Masking is optional but encouraged as needed.

Frequent updates will be provided as new information becomes available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
God’s blessings to you and your family.

Resources and Support at Transfiguration

St. Vincent de Paul St Vincent de Paul Society 770-977-1442 ext. 1252 English, ext 1253 Español

Family Promise Family Promise 678-594-3150

The Family Assistance Fund Contact Parish Office to talk to someone about assistance for Transfiguration parish members. 770-977-1442

Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry

Walking with Moms in Need 404-763-4357

Holy Family Counseling Welcome to Transfiguration HOLY FAMILY COUNSELING. 678-993-8494

MUST MINISTRIES outreach: (Community meals, Day Center, Elizabeth Inn Shelter)770-426-7667

Marietta Housing Authority: (Housing assistance) 770-419-3200

NAMI Cobb County (Mental Health Services) 770-695-5333

Cobb Senior Services: (Senior day Center, Transportation and Meals on Wheels for Seniors) 770-528-5355

Georgia VA:

Suspected Human Trafficking : 1-888-373-7888 (

Marriage Support: Retrouvielle – atlanta@retrouville or

A large list of services can be found here :

Volunteers are Always Needed at Transfiguration.

Answer the call to service at Transfiguration!

The Heavenly Dusters – those who help upkeep the sanctuary and narthex during the week for the parish. Dusting pews, corners and around altar spaces. Spot sweeping the sanctuary between funerals and liturgical events in the sanctuary. Generally being a blessing to everyone who considers Transfiguration an extension of their home. Email us to get involved.

Parish Office Volunteers:

Welcome our visitors, answer phones and help around the parish office Monday – Friday. Contact us at to help.

Audio Visual Ministry at Transfiguration:

The Parish is looking to expand its AV Team. This ministry helps live stream Sunday, daily and special Masses; runs the lighting, cameras, microphones and sound boards at Mass and other parish events. We are looking for new faces to serve and grow in this ministry.  Adult and Teen volunteers are welcome to join. Contact Dan at

Hospitality Team:

The Parish is always looking for friendly faces to help set up, clean up, and serve at events of all sizes. You can volunteer your service to the parish by contacting Esteban at Hospitality is more than our warm welcome to new folks at Mass – though that is a very important part – it is offering your service to everyone who walks through our doors. Because Transfiguration is an extension of every member’s home, we want everyone to feel welcome to join the hospitality team to serve each other at table, at Mass, at social events and faith formation events. Listen to the Lord’s call to grow this ministry into something like it never was before. We’ll be happy to have you.

•Funeral Reception Team
•Hospitality After Mass
•Faith Formation Food Crew

•Parish Wide Event Hospitality
•Social Event and Special Event Servers
•Get Trained in the Kitchen to cook, clean or wash dishes
•Send Meals to Hungry Priests
•Adult Faith Formation Events Hospitality

And More opportunities to come.

Nursery Volunteers

Let us know you can volunteer by sending an email to

Faith Formation Volunteers:

As you may have guessed, this exciting new undertaking will require the work of many hands and the love of many hearts. YOUR hands and YOUR heart are needed!

Please prayerfully consider volunteering to serve. We need…

Small Group Leaders and Assistants for Children, Teens, and Adults    – we equip the called in every way. Say Yes to this special service opportunity.

• Food Crew (we will begin each session with a light meal) Food Preparation, Food Service, Food Clean Up, Room Set Up, Greeters

• Help with Technology during sessions – nothing too difficult. Great for A Teen volunteer!

• Nursery Volunteers

Click here for volunteer opportunities

Family Promise

Summer Meal Providers and Overnight Hosts are needed ! CLICK HERE TO see the opportunities. Secure your spot early!

St. Vincent de Paul

Join the Vincentians at Transfiguration at their next Fellowship meeting (designated Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Lounge) Email for volunteer opportunities.

Family Faith Nursery Sign Ups

We are currently working to staff nursery for Tuesday and Wednesday sessions. We will post these sign ups as soon as we are fully staffed. Thank you for understanding.

Read Archbishop Hartmayer’s Statement following the Supreme Court’s Ruling. (June 24)

Click to read the full statement on the Georgia Bulletin

En Español

ATLANTA—Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., released the following statement regarding today’s Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization:

“We rejoice today that the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health will uphold some protection for unborn babies, their vulnerable mothers and fathers and the communities where abortion tears families apart, however, there is still work to be done. I applaud today’s ruling and urge further action to promote pro-life causes.

No matter how the court ruled today, we will never stop working to protect women and their babies. Whether or not abortion is legal, we want women to know that we are here to support you, to accompany you and to love you and your babies. This support goes beyond the sidewalk outside the clinic. It goes beyond the delivery room and it goes beyond those first days after a baby is born.

The Archdiocese of Atlanta has a number of programs to support pregnant and parenting families. If you need help, we hope you will contact one of these groups.

As we now face months of uncertainty and confusion over how the court’s decision will be applied, we ask all people to pray and act in a way that will build a greater respect for life. While politicians and judges wrestle with words, benchmarks and legal challenges, let us redouble our efforts to help pregnant women, expectant fathers and families so that they can choose life and thrive.

Laws alone cannot establish a culture of life in our nation. Catholics and people of goodwill must dedicate ourselves to this work. All human life is sacred. No civil law can counter this truth.

We also ask you to respond with love and in peace to those who wish to debate. There has been so much violence in this country in the last few months. We cannot counter violence with violence. If we are a pro-life people, this should show in how we act in all situations, including ones we are passionate about.

We urge you to contact your state representatives and ask for laws that protect babies and their mothers, to support pro-life and parenting ministries with your time, talent and treasure and to dedicate yourselves to prayer for mothers and babies in crisis.”
