Tuesday Spirituality

NEW Winter/Spring Study:

Beginning January 2022 with Maureen Ingalls
Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., ZOOM
Email Maureen (maureen.ingalls10@gmail.com) for Meeting ID and information.
The Whole Language: The Power of Extravagant Tenderness by Greg Boyle, S.J: Book study and reflection on a world filled with fellowship, compassion, and fewer barriers.


[Catechist credit earned: 1.5 hours per class for Spirituality-intermediate/advanced certification]


Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.
in the Family Life Center Bethlehem Room,
beginning January 13

with Ruth Elsbree

The book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse, has fascinated believers for centuries. Colorful imagery, rich symbolism, layers of meaning, and brilliant allusions to the Old Testament convey the book’s perennial truth: God will triumph over evil, and God’s faithful ones will share in that victory. Break open this ancient text with Little Rock Scripture Study’s Revelation and discover its ongoing relevance for us today.

Pathfinders Bible Study consists of women and men who engage in lively discussion about each week’s assignment. We seek to discover how Scripture is relevant in our daily lives. No need to register, just join us in the FLC on Thursday mornings.

Contact Ruth Elsbree for more information: elsbree7@yahoo.com

[Catechist credit earned: 1.5 hours per class for Scripture-intermediate/advanced certification]
