Confirmation Journal Week 4 – Period of Formation WEEK 4 – Period of Formation Look and think this week at the life, message,meaning and person of Jesus. Look at today’s date (whatever day you are doing this exercise) on a calendar. Read the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. You can find the scripture at, under “Daily Readings.” Discuss the reading. Your InformationYour Name* First Last Your Email Address* QuestionsRead Mark 8:27-30, Matthew 16:13-20 or Luke 9:18-20. “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus asks. Who is Jesus for you, personally?*Either use your Bible or Recall the events of Jesus' passion, death and resurrection. What happened on Palm Sunday?*Describe the two significant events that happened on Holy Thursday that are critical to living fully as a Catholic. One can be found in John Chapter 13: 1-15. The other can be found in Matthew Chapter 26: 26-28.*What happened on Good Friday?*Jesus and his followers were devout Jews and they were observing the Sabbath, which fell on every Saturday. Devout Jews were not allowed to do any work on the Sabbath, under penalty of death. What was going on with Jesus' body on Holy Saturday?*What happened on Easter Sunday?*What is most meaningful to you about Holy Week and why?*The Gospel I read for today is: (List Gospel, chapter and verses).*What I felt about the Gospel reading is:*Would you like an E-mail copy of the submission?* Yes No Remember to copy and paste your answers to a Word document before submitting form just in case there are submissions issues. You will receive an email from Ms Karen confirming your submission.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ