Confirmation Journal Week 5 – Rite of Covenant WEEK 5 – Rite of Covenant The Rite of Covenant celebrates your positive response to exploring the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and considering what it means to live out Christian faith specifically as a Roman Catholic. Click HERE to learn more about Covenants. Read Genesis 12;1-3, 2 Samuel 7:8-16, or Jeremiah 31:31-34Your InformationYour Name* First Last Your Email Address* QuestionsWhat is a covenant? Explain how our covenant with God differs from a contract between people.*What does it mean to you to be in a covenant relationship with God? Read Genesis 12;1-3, 2 Samuel 7:8-16, or Jeremiah 31:31-34. (Scripture links are in the introduction.)*How does being a Catholic impact your choices?*Ask your parents or confirmation sponsor what kind of covenants they are a part of. (???)*What are the five Holy Days of obligation celebrated in the Archdiocese of Atlanta? When are they?*Would you like an E-mail copy of the submission?* Yes No Remember to copy and paste your answers to a Word document before submitting form just in case there are submissions issues. You will receive an email from Ms Karen confirming your submission. Listen to the song, “Yes, I Believe.” Click here if you need help with the Holy Days of “Obligation” (Opportunity!) and their dates. If you use the link, read carefully. More dates are listed than the actual Holy Days but they are clearly indicated. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ