Fall/Winter 2020

For more information on Classes, Studies, Presentations or Guest Speakers- Please contact the Adult Faith Formation Office at 770.977.1442 ex.128 or email Therese DeLashmutt, Director of Adult Faith Formation at tdelashmutt@transfiguration.old.diocesanweb.org.

Weekly Schedule

Sunday (TBD)


  • MOURNING & HOPE / First and Third Monday of the Month / / Mourning & Hope



  • Centering Prayer / Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m., Room 102 and Online / [Centering Prayer]


  • Pathfinders / Thursdays, 9:45 a.m. – /ZOOM / Sermon on the Mount
  • Centering Prayer / Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. – Room 102 and Online / [Centering Prayer]
  • Men’s Bible Study / Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. -/ Online / [Men’s Bible Study ]
  • Adult Faith Formation Events (See below)


Saturday (TBD)

Summer Guest Speakers

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching Presents BISHOP NED SHLESINGER.

Thursday September 24, 2020 // 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary of Transfiguration Catholic Church

Reservations Required. Mask Required.

To attend the in- person presentation You must Sign-Up Here

Live Streamed on the Transfiguration Website.

Faithful Citizenship with Kat Doyle (Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Director of Justice and Peace Ministries) and Tom Reichert. Thursday October 8

Systemic Racism with Ashley Morris (Assoc. Director of the Office of Intercultural Ministries at the Archdiocese of Atlanta) Thursday November 12

Understanding our Faith

Scripture and Divine Revelation: God Promised God Revealed with Jean Sherwood

Thursday September 10, 2020 // 7:30 p.m. // Video Session and Live Q&A Session

Private links to this session will be emailed to participants – to receive that email, please sign up for the event HERE

Ages and Stages:  Faith & Moral Development
with Joyce Guris Thursday October 17, 7:30 p.m.

The stages of faith are like rings of a tree.  Just like a tree adds one ring on top of another, we do not leave the needs of the earlier stages behind after we expand into the next stage.  We continue to need the faith experiences of the earlier stages throughout our lives.

Pathway to God: Prayer and Spirituality
with Bev Sauer Thursday November 5, 7:30 p.m.

This class will focus on the various ways we pray and the rich diversity of Catholic spirituality.  We invite you to grow in your prayer life, and to more fully understand your spiritual walk.
