Small Group Teen Leader Application You are Called!We are all called to serve Christ in one way or another. Being a Small Group Teen Leader is one of the ways you can serve Him here at Transfiguration. If Chosen, you will serveMIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 6-8) Sunday 9:15am, 12:15pm, 6:15pm Tuesday 5:15pm Wednesday 6:15pmParticipant InformationName* First Last Email Phone*Application QuestionsPlease share with us some ways you have shred your faith or served the Church here at Transfiguration.Describe your prayer life. Include when and how you pray and what spiritual resources you may be using to deepen your faith.At this time, what are some areas in your life that the Lord is still working on. (i.e. What do you struggle with?)Describe 2 Strengths you possess in relating positivity with others. Please give examples of how you use these strengths in everyday life.Why do you want to be a part of the Small Group Teen Leadership Team?How do your parents feel about you being a part of the Small Group Teen Leadership Team? Are they aware of the time commitment?Please describe how being a part of the Leadership Team will fit into your busy life. (i.e. Will you be able to remain committed even though you may be involved in sports, other activities, or if you have a job?)Participation ConsentBy joining this team, you are agreeing to all the expectations we have for Small Group Teen Leaders. I understand that it is my choice to sign up to be a Teen Leader, and I agree to make it a priority. The Youth Minister's role is to hold me accountable to the expectations I am agreeing to.* I agree By clicking ‘I agree’ you understand the importance of community, faith life and the priority & time commitment of being a part of this Leadership Team, if chosen. Δ