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Welcome to Our Great Journey

Register Here


Welcome to Transfiguration Parish Faith Formation; also known as OUR GREAT JOURNEY! We are dedicated to providing quality experiences based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Scripture and Church Tradition. We offer opportunities to learn more about our Catholic faith for 3 year olds to adults. Click the Information for Parents button for uploaded calendar, handbook, and prayers.

We are all on a journey to learn about God, our Catholic Faith and how we are to live His love. Click HERE to learn more about our programs. See calendar for specific dates for on-site gatherings and virtual options. If the COVID protocols change we will adapt to best practices. Any questions, just let us know.

Before you Click! These classes are FULL (no new registrations). •Wednesday Grade 5. •Sunday Preschool, 4 Years. Call the Journey Office for more information.

Registration Information – How to Register:   

1. You must be a Registered Parishioner of Transfiguration before you can register for Journey classes. (To register in the parish visit our Parish Registration page.) Use your offertory envelope # as your Family ID #.

 2. Journey Registrations are filled on a “first come” basis, so register as soon as you can. 

3. Pay the tuition or submit the Payment Plan/Tuition Assistance (PPTA) form.

  • For Registrations to be processed, full payment or PPTA form must be received.
  • Online payments are accepted HERE, or text payment to 844-923-2574 (include amount Journey) or use the GivePlus + App for payment. (If your child’s last name is different than yours, please email Luciana,, so she can match the payment.)
  • PPTA forms are available HERE. Please complete, print and email to Nuvia,

4. Complete the volunteer form HERE


  • Registration with payment after January 1, 2022 for remaining school year, $60 per student, Family Maximum $155
  • Registrations with payment* received by July 15, 2021 – $85 per student, Family Maximum $240
  • Registrations with payment* received starting July 16, 2021 – $100 per student, Family Maximum $275
  • Registrations with payment* received starting August 5, 2021: $115 per student, Family Maximum $310
  *Payment in full or partial payment and submission of Payment Plan/Tuition Assistance form

Religious Education tuition at the parish covers less than 1/3 of Religious Education expenses. Those expenses do not include any cost for facilities, such as maintenance or HVAC, or most of the equipment that is used. The costs are mostly to pay for staff who are still needed to develop and guide content plus administrative functions; i.e. registration, accounting, communications. Our tuition is $85 for those who register before July 15, $8.50 per child, per month.

Nevertheless, it has always been our policy that Religious Education is available to all, regardless of ability to pay. The payment plan/tuition assistance form (PPTA) is available on the website, you can download and submit to Joyce,


Separate from Registration Tuition and are due at time of Sacrament Registration

Reconciliation—$30 per student

Eucharist—$30 per student

Confirmation—$190 per student (includes Antioch Retreat), $175 if paid before October 10, 2021


Prior to 1st class:  100% less $10 Administration Costs
  • After 1st class:  75% of total fee
  • After September 15 or one month after registration:  50% of total fee
  • After October 15 or two months after registration:  No refunds

All are encouraged to participate in Religious Education regardless of the ability to pay.  If payment is a problem, please contact Nuvia Solano, 770-977-1442, ext.128 or to make arrangements.
