• Loss of a Loved One• Job loss• Imprisonment
• Hospitalization• Disability• Infertility
• Spiritual Crisis• Loneliness• Discouragement
• Divorce• Cancer• Many Other Challenges

God never intended for us to go through these experiences alone. That’s why God has brought us together as a Parish—and why we have Stephen Ministry.

Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who have received 50 hours of training to minister to people experiencing crisis or going through a difficult time in life.

Stephen Ministry Help Hope Healing Image

Every week, a Stephen Minister will meet with you—privately and confidentially— to listen, care, encourage, support and reflect Christ’s presence In your life.

If you would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry for yourself or someone else, please contact us at: stephenministry@transfiguration.old.diocesanweb.org
comuníquese con nosotros al: stephenministry@transfiguration.old.diocesanweb.org

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“Transfiguration’s Stephen Ministers and Leaders.”
