Our Great Journey
This week our theme is Life of the World based on John 6:51-58/Juan 6:51-58.
All pray the Sign of the Cross
Lord, prepare us to recieve you fully in the Sacrament of the Eucharist so that we may be your hands and feet in our communities. Amen.
Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.
Things to talk about:
In today’s gospel, Jesus teaches that his body and blood will be true food for those who wish to follow him. Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven”
- Is the Eucharist (Communion) important to you? Why?
- In the gospel we see many people very confused about what Jesus has told them. When you do not understand or have questions about faith teachings, who are some people you can talk to so you can learn more and understand better?
- Is it easy or hard to talk about Jesus to those who don’t know him? Why?
Things to do:
- Make bread together as a family and enjoy it with a family meal.
- Discuss your favorite parts or songs of the Mass. Share what you most love about going to Mass as a family with each other.
- Take 15 minutes to go to the Adoration Chapel together and pray with Jesus. Some great resources for children to use and learn about Adoration can be found here.
Closing Prayer
National Eucharistic Revival Prayer
We are in the Year of Going Out on Mission for the National Eucharistic Revival. Take some time to pray this prayer for this movement. You can also find it at: https://www.eucharisticrevival.org/post/national-eucharistic-revival-prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb. Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist.
Jesus living in the Eucharist, come and live in me.
Jesus healing in the Eucharist, come and heal me.
Jesus sacrificing yourself in the Eucharist, come and suffer in me.
Jesus rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me.
Jesus loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me.
Lord Jesus Christ, through the paschal mystery of your death and resurrection made present in every Holy Mass, pour out your healing love on your Church and on our world. Grant that as we lift you up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at this Banquet of Life. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, Pray for us.

Catholic Insights
As Catholics, we believe that when we gather to celebrate the Mass, Jesus is present to us in many ways. In the Word proclaimed, in the presence of the people, in the priest, and in the sacraments celebrated. Most especially, during the prayers and actions of the Mass, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. (CCC 1373)
The change from bread and wine to Body and Blood is transubstantiation. The change is to what the essence of the material, not the nature of the material that we receive. The physical appearance, taste, and smell remains the same. Christ makes himself completely present in body, blood, soul and divinity in the bread and wine that we share during Communion. (CCC 1377)
FAMILY FUN: Bubbles!
Jesus is the living bread that came down from heaven. Today, make some bubbles and send them up to heaven. You can use bubbles from the store or make your own solution and wand.
4 cups warm water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup blue Dawn dish soap
Whisk the sugar into the warm water until the sugar dissolves. Whisk in dish soap. Let the homemade bubbles sit for a couple of hours for best results. Make your own wand with one of the following:
Fly swatter
Plastic cup: Punch a hole in the bottom to blow through. Dip the large open end into the solution.
Plastic soft drink bottles: Cut the bottom off the bottle and dip. Use the lid end of the bottle to blow.
Pipe cleaners: Create just about any shape you like from a pipe cleaner, just make sure you keep a small section as a handle.
Plastic funnel: This already has a natural shape for a bubble wand. Using the large end to dip and the small end to blow.
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