Our Great Journey
This week our theme is “What are you looking for?”/ “¿Qué estás esperando?” based on John 1:35-42 / Juan 1:35-42
Opening Prayer:
All pray the Sign of the Cross
Lord Jesus Christ, you said to the Apostles, “Come, follow me.” You say the same words to us, today and everyday. Help us to follow you faithfully, to follow your commandments, to help those who are struggling and to love all people as you love them. Guide us to build up the Kingdom of God, where you live and reign with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
In addition to our prayers from the heart, our prayer for January is The Nicene Creed. Please pray these prayers daily to learn. (The Nicene Creed is a profession of faith that expanded and clarified The Apostle’s Creed. It was decided at the Council of Nicaea in 325. The Nicene Creed is prayed at Mass) It is a good prayer to remember when people ask what we believe as Catholics; about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Church.
Using the Bible, invite a family member to read the Gospel aloud.
Things to talk about:
- At the beginning of today’s Gospel passage, the two disciples heard John’s proclamation and followed Jesus. Why do you think they followed him?
- Why does John call Jesus the “Lamb of God”?
- Jesus asked the disciples what they were looking for. What would you say if Jesus asked you the same question?
Things to do:
- Change the World One Hand at a Time—Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be celebrated on Monday, January 15 this year. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a passionate preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and example, and a martyr for justice. This project can help you reflect on how you can change the world with the gifts God has given you and the desires he has placed in your heart. Use a map or draw a large picture of the world. Individually, trace your hand on construction paper and cut it out. Write on the hand what you feel you could do now to help change the world, considering what God is asking of you. Assist younger children with this project if needed. Decorate the hands as desired. Place all the hand cutouts on the picture of the world. Place it on your prayer table.
- In this Gospel, John said, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” This phrase is spoken by the priest at a particular point at Mass. When does he say it?
- Andrew introduced his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus. Ask God to show you one person who doesn’t know Jesus and to give you the opportunity to talk to that person. Tell that person about Jesus. Share about your experience with your family.
Closing Prayer
Adapted form of Lectio Divina. (Latin: Divine Reading) is a way of developing a closer relationship with God by reflecting prayerfully on his words in Sacred Scripture. Typically, the passage is read three times in total, giving an opportunity to think deeply and respond thoughtfully.
Choose a family member to read aloud Isaiah 43:1-4.
Have everyone close their eyes and listen again to the Scripture and listen for any words or phrases that seem to jump out. Share with each other what they heard and what they think God is calling them to focus on today.
Pray the Nicene Creed. Name those who need our prayers. Close with the Sign of the Cross.

Catholic Insights
At the beginning of this Gospel, Andrew and the other disciple of John decide to follow Jesus based on their relationship with John. John models for us a role we are called to play as members of the Church, leading others to a relationship with Jesus.
John calls Jesus the “Lamb of God” showing his divinely inspired sense of Jesus’ greatness. In the Old Covenant, the Jews sacrificed a lamb and ate its roasted flesh to celebrate Passover. Passover commemorates the time when God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Jesus established the New Covenant, when he sacrificed himself (instead of a lamb) on the cross to free us from sin. In the Book of Revelation (7:9-17), the seer John has a vision of Jesus as the Lamb of God triumphing over evil in the end time.
It is also significant to note at the end of this Gospel that Andrew plays the same role for his brother Simon that John the Baptist played for him. He leads Simon to Jesus. This week we focus on extending Jesus’ invitation to “come and see.”
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