About Us

Transfiguration Catholic Community Mission In love, we welcome all into our faith family as we joyfully celebrate the sacraments with contemporary Catholic liturgies to grow and serve as disciples of Jesus. Welcome to Transfiguration: Pastor Eric J. Hill(Meet our Pastor) Parochial Vicar: Father Rafael Ángel Carballo-Arroyo Welcome • Celebrate • Grow • Serve Pastor:Father Eric…Read More

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Support for addiction…Read More


Bringing Religious Instruction to Everyone Faith formation sessions for Kindergarten through Adults with developmental disabilities. 6:15 -7:30 pm, on designated Wednesdays (about every other week). We begin with dinner in the Social Hall. Fees for classes, $25.…Read More

Care for Creation Committee

“Laudato si’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”. In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “ Pope Francis – Laudato Si,…Read More

Small Group Leaders & Facilitators

Thank YOU to everyone who is teaching our Catholic Faith and JOURNEYING TOGETHER AS WITNESSES FOR JESUS CHRIST! May God continue to bless you! …Read More

Catholic Social Teaching

CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING • Life and Dignity of the Human Person • Call to Family, Community, and Participation • Rights and Responsibilities •• Option for the Poor and Vulnerable • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers • Solidarity • Care for God’s Creation • Our Catholic Social Teachings Program features a new…Read More

Charity Yarn Crafters

Groups that makes items for those in need.…Read More


Come Holy Spirit… fill the hearts of your faithful.And kindle in them the fire of your love.Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.And you will renew the face of the earth. WELCOME TO CONFIRMATION DISCERNMENT AND PREPARATION In Confirmation, the Christian becomes more closely united with Christ. With the strengthening of the Gifts…Read More

Convalidation of Civil Marriage

For those who were not married in the Catholic church, that wish to Convalidate their union.…Read More

DASH-New Men’s Ministry at Transfiguration

Thursday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Check the parish calendar for weekly meeting location…Read More

Deaf Ministry

To speak the Word of God with our hands for those who hear with their eyes.…Read More

Devotions at Transfiguration

Devotions Ministry has a mission of promoting the sacramental prayer life with the overarching goal to be Holy Spirit led.   Join us for prayer whenever you can. All are welcome. Liturgy of the Hours Weekday morning Mass – 9:00 a.m. Rosary after weekday morning Mass Marian Hour First Saturday Devotion  We are an open…Read More

Emergency Preparedness

Ministry for major parish emergencies…Read More

Eucharistic Adoration

Devotion to the Eucharist, manifested by an ongoing commitment to continuous prayer in our Blessed Sacrament chapel.…Read More

Faith and Light

For people with disabilities, their family and friends…Read More

Family Promise

Mission Statement We are committed to assisting homeless families with children achieve adequate and consistent income, stable housing and lasting independence by mobilizing our local interfaith community to provide temporary meals, shelter, compassionate hospitality and professional social services. Contact Info 1823 Blackwell Rd, Marietta, GA 30066Email: info@familypromisecobbcounty.orgPhone/Fax 678-594-3150 If you are a family in need of…Read More

Finance Board

Members elected and appointed who advise the Pastor on finance issues of the parish.…Read More

Friendship Circle (55+)

Fellowship for those 55 and older…Read More

Funeral Reception Ministry

Members of this ministry work to create a warm and welcoming environment during funeral receptions or repasts. They assist with logistical arrangements and ensure that those who are mourning have a supportive space to come together, share memories, and find comfort in community during a difficult time. As a volunteer, you’ll play a vital role…Read More

Girls Scouts

Transfiguration sponsored scouts.…Read More

Good Mourning Caregivers 

Grief support for those who have lost a loved one…Read More

Grades 1-5

Our Great Journey… Seekers, Travelers & Voyagers Seekers: Preschool & Kindergarten, Travelers: Grades 1-3, Voyagers: Grades 4-5 Grades 1-5 We are excited about Family Faith for children in Grades K-12 with their parents. Select the time that works best for your family. Every other week, families will gather at Church, share a light meal ,…Read More

Grades 6-12 / ChrisTeen

A place for Catholic teens who are committed to following Christ to hang out, meet new people, and have a good time!…Read More

Habitat for Humanity

Transfiguration's partnership in the ecumenical home-building organization.…Read More

Hispanic Council

Advises the Pastor on matters relating to the parish's Hispanic community.…Read More

Homebound Friends

In an effort for our parish to reconnect our homebound parishioners and caregivers, the Homebound Friends Ministry has been established to reach out on a regular basis with emails, cards, and phone calls.  As the pandemic conditions improve, we are looking at offering social visits and monthly luncheons at the parish.  Our goal is to…Read More

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Council #10362 Open to all Catholic men 18 years and over, this organization promotes Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism in service to the Catholic community. Find out more about the Knights by visiting these websites Supreme Council Web Site. Georgia State Council Web Site. K of C Council #10362 Website – http://www.kofc10362.org How…Read More

Ladies Auxiliary of Transfiguration

Open to all women in the parish, 21 and older.…Read More

Lingap Center

The ministry that coordinates our support to our international outreach partner.…Read More

Liturgical Environment

Decorating the church.…Read More

Nullification of Marriage

Helps parishioners in the process of Annulment…Read More

Marriage Encounter

Coordinates Marriage Encounter weekend retreats for married couples…Read More

Marriage Sponsor Couples

Married couple who help couples in their marriage preparation…Read More

Men’s Bible Study – Friday

Fridays, 7:00 a.m., Adult Lounge Men’s Bible Study is a gathering of men who wish to discover more about the Church, faith, character, and Jesus. It provides an opportunity to build a stronger faith community and develop real friendships among a unique group of brothers. Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study: The Bible and the Virgin…Read More

Men’s Bible Study – Thursday

Thursday Evening Men’s Bible Study Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., FLC – Bethlehem. : Join the group for Scripture study and reflection All men are welcome!…Read More

Men’s Club

All men of Transfiguration, age 21 and older, are automatically members of the Men’s Club. Its purpose is to provide social and spiritual opportunities and activities for men.  Mission Statement To foster Christian fellowship through social gatherings and activities, and to provide the men of the parish an opportunity to meet in an informal manner…Read More

Mercy Mats Ministry

Groups that makes mats from plastic bags for the homeless…Read More

Ministry of Caring

Communion to the Sick.…Read More

Ministry Resource Team (MRT)

The Ministry Resource Team was formed to offer support and direction to our ministry leaders. Their purpose is to inspire and develop ministry leaders, bringing clarity and direction in order to enhance the experience of collaboration and mutual accountability. They help form new ministries, promote involvement at every level of parish life, and troubleshoot when…Read More

Mustard Seed – Young Family Ministry

Mustard Seed Ministry is all about families with kids ages 0-5 years old.…Read More

Narcotics Anonymous (Nar-Anon)

Support group for families and friends of drug abusers…Read More


Child care available during Classes, Masses and special events at Transfiguration.…Read More

Becoming Catholic / OCI

This is the rite of the Church by which non-Catholics become Catholic. The rite begins with an inquiry period and lasts until an individual is prepared and chooses to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation). OCI - Order of Christian Initiation. …Read More

Overeaters Anonymous

Support group for those who suffer from the need to compulsively overeat…Read More


Join us for fun sharing ideas and talents of all things crafty.…Read More

Pastor’s Lay Advisory Team (PLAT)

Pastor's Lay Advisory Team…Read More

Prayer Gift

Prayer is a powerful tool, and in 2010 a handful of ladies wanted people who were struggling to know they had the power of prayer in their corner.  It wasn’t enough to say “we’re praying for you,” this group of faith-filled ladies wanted those in need to have a tangible sign of their spiritual support. …Read More


Focused on learning quilting skills and making service projects for those in need.…Read More

Religious Scouting Awards

Boy Scouts of America Additional Information about Religious Awards…Read More

Respect Life Ministry

Group focused on fostering respect for all life.…Read More

BSA Scouting

Transfiguration sponsored scouts.…Read More

Shelter Meals

Reaches out to help local homeless shelters.…Read More

St. Francis Garden

Our St. Francis Garden was dedicated in 2006. It serves as a transition from our secular world to a place of worship. The garden invites us to reconciliation and to love in all its forms. St. Francis with his arms open is universal love. He welcomes all of God’s creation, and he is welcoming us.…Read More

Stephen Ministry

• Loss of a Loved One • Job loss • Imprisonment • Hospitalization • Disability • Infertility • Spiritual Crisis • Loneliness • Discouragement • Divorce • Cancer • Many Other Challenges God never intended for us to go through these experiences alone. That’s why God has brought us together as a Parish—and why we…Read More

St Vincent de Paul Society

Transfiguration chapter of a Catholic organization that provides charitable assistance to those in need.…Read More

Theater – Transfiguration Players

Theater guild for Transfiguration.…Read More

Volunteer – Get Involved

Join us on Our Great Journey. There are so many opportunities to get involved. Small Group Leaders, an amazing opportunity to walk in faith with others.  Adult Faith group facilitators & presenters Food Crew/ Hospitality – this is huge, we’re having meals at every session! Building reception during session times office volunteer nursery subs If…Read More

Warming Center

“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these…Read More

Wedding Guild

Helps coordinate weddings at Transfiguration.…Read More

Widowed Helping Others

Support to widows who have lost a spouse…Read More

Women In Faith

Gathering of women to share and grow in faith.…Read More

Women In Faith Fall 2024

Gathering of women to share and grow in faith.…Read More
